Carmine Gonzalez is a bassist, producer born and raised in Queens, NY. Growing up with a father who was a musician and in the music industry, he learned at a very young age the fundementals of being a musician. Alot of hard work and perserverance for perfection were some of the basics etched into his head. Having an open minded approach to all types of genres of music helped sculpt his own specific sytle of playing. Having influences in Rock, Jazz and Funk made being a bassist fun and exciting and never boring. He always liked the challenges of learning new songs and incorporating different styles when writing and recording in the studio. Having the opportunity to play in a live setting with Pipe and be surrounded by a group of very talented musicians has been a blessing in many ways. Carmine had forgotten how much he enjoyed playing live and having the ability to flex those bassist muscles after all these years. Pipe's music selection is full of energy and power and a project that has been both challenging and fun and will hopefully last a long time. He looks forward to performing for newer and bigger audiences as time goes on and sharing his gift of music with everyone.